The Journey
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Greetings reader! I am back to do another installment of my blog. In this post I will be discussing the journey I have taken this semester. I would just like to take this time to look back and reflect upon this journey from novice to "expert." It all started in the first essay where I discussed my general area of interest, mechanical engineering, and what drew me to that interest. My interest in machines and mechanical operations is what drew me in deciding my major, Mechanical Engineering Technology. In the second essay, I wrote about pollution and waste and the effects that they have on the environment. This topic was of great interest to me because I have a love of the outdoors and a respect for the environment and all that it provides. This wanting to protect the environment and wanting to preserve it for future generations is what drove me to selecting what would be my research question.My research question also combined another area that I am interested in, energy production. So naturally, I decided to do research into renewable sources of energy that could some day replace fossil fuels as our main source of energy. From there I did research in to several different sources of renewable energy, looking at their pros and cons, their applications, and the advancements that are being made in their development and production. From this I learned that it will require the use of most if not all of the various kinds of renewable source of energy that there are to replace fossil fuels. Since there are many different uses of fossil fuels, it will require all of the different renewable sources to cover all the areas where fossil fuels are used. This is what I have learn from my journey this semester and I hope to be able to implement this knowledge in the real world someday.