Yet Another Observation of Research Process

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Greetings reader! Welcome back to another exciting installment of my blog. Last time I discussed the research process for my research paper, which is over renewable sources of energy. For today's post I will be discussing, you guessed it, the research process for my paper. But this is the last post about this topic so I believe we can soldier through this last time. I have actually found all the sources I will need for my research paper and last night I finished the annotative bibliography for my paper. The process as a whole was went well, it was not very difficult to find sources over this research topic because it is a subject that has been in the spotlight for many years. From the research I have done, pretty much everything I have read points to needing to find a new source of energy that is not a fossil fuel. The debate it over what that source of energy will be. Some say biofuels, others say wind, solar, or hydro powered. Hydrogen is another possible candidate. All of these different energy sources have their benefits and their limitations so it is hard to say which is actually the best. From what I have learned about these various energy sources is that it most likely be a single one of them that will take the place of fossil fuels on its own. It will have to be a combination of a few or all of them to be able to shift away from fossil fuels. Where one source has a limitation, another is there to make up for it. I am no expert in this field at all but from what I have gathered it is the only viable solution to this problem. This will do it for another installment of my blog. Next time I will be discussing something. Good night, may your dreams be sweet and your nightmares spooky monster scary not grandma dying scary.